Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Communication for Transformational and Transactional Theory

Question Discuss about theCommunication for Transformational and Transactional Theory. Answer: Introduction Leadership is one of the most important elements of a successful business enterprise. This is because for a business to be carried on smoothly there must be proper goal and objectives defined properly so that they can be followed and achieved in the long run. There are many theories that have been introduced till date. Three of those are the trait theory, transformational theory and the transactional theory. This paper will elaborate on presenting a brief critical overview of these theories and their importance on business context. It will also assess on how these theories are practiced in the country of origin i.e., in Australia. Discussion Skill leadership theory is one of the most important theories that are to be followed by people in their personal and their professional lives as well. Skill theory talks about the basic skills that an individual must have in order to become an able leader. This theory basically talks about the humane skills, the technical skills and the conceptual skills. Often the question that arises is whether a leader is born or ids made. Skill leadership theory does not abide by this belief that there are some inborn qualities that makes a leader. One such example can be the business organizations of Australia where the there are some drawbacks on the leadership that is followed. The skill leadership theory has a good significance in Australian business because following this theory is really simple and is encouraging as wee. The Australian people are attracted towards the free and friendly nature of their leaders. This skill leadership theory believes that anyone can be a leader. This is a maj or exception as has been seen in case of the other theories of leadership like the trait theory. This theory helps in encouraging the followers. This is because the leaders try to be very down to earth and also maintain a good relationship with each one in the organization. One of the most important aspects of this theory is the humane skills which shoes the kinds of behavior and attitude that one poses while working with other individuals in an office. In order to attain the long term goals and objectives in an office, one must know how to adjust with the thoughts and the behaviors of other co-workers and colleagues. They must know how they can adjust with the behavior of their colleagues, their superiors and their subordinates as well. Another important aspect is the interpersonal skill. This skill is another name for the human skills. This helps the leaders in developing a clear understanding of the ideas of others and also that of his own. The leaders who bear these interpersona l skills are a bit more than just being caring or emphatic towards the needs of their followers. They believe in gaining in the trust of those individuals. The three sets of skills that are needed are senior management, middle management and also supervisory. A leader also keeps on learning every time so that he can afford to provide the best environment to all his peers and subordinates. There are leaders who follow the system of rewarding and punishing the employees as per the performance in terms of the leader assigned tasks. However, this is a good form of motivating the employees and trying to make them work with their potentiality. However, there can also be many drawbacks in this system of leadership as well (Schermerhorn et al., 2014). Many of the leaders can often become very biased with some employees of their choice and they can appreciate those employees more than the others. The leaders might not be neutral and impartial. They might also punish those employees who are actually innocent. Apart from these, the transactional leader might also not be able to appreciate the efforts that have been put forward by the employees in order to achieve the goal (Kpers, 2016). They will think that there is nothing special in it as they have done this work only as a mere exchange of money or any other such rewards. However, it can so happen that often the employees expe ct some appreciations or praises from their leaders. They will really be disheartened if they see that their leaders are not having any affection or any kinds of appreciations for them. Such a leader will feel no obligation to appreciate or praise the followers. He is also very rigid and very strict in his expectations towards the followers. He will always think that the followers are always expected to do that what is assigned to them. They also do not accept to consider anything apart from the traditional and the existing hierarchy that is present within the organization. They also do not undertake any kinds of discussions or mutual understanding with the employees (Dinh et al., 2014). They try to inspire their followers and guide them at every single step. They want to make their followers know that they are a very important part of the organization and are valued as well. However, often the leaders usually take a long time to achieve the desired goals. This can harm those organi zations that want immediate good results. (Ghasabeh, Soosay Reaiche, 2015). They do not really try to make some changes as per the needs of the followers or the employers. There is only one leader to take care of the interests of all the employees. However, there are many companies that believe in following a framework or a group of leaders where the employees will be following the instructions or the decisions that have been taken by the joint collaboration of the leaders. It also assumes that the followers or the employees are willing to work together for achieving a large and a greater goal but they do not really take into account that they must incorporate some solutions for those situations where the followers might lack the exact qualification or the skills that are needed for a particular task (McCleskey, 2014). So, the leaders must make sure that they do not stick to any particular kinds of leadership during all situations. They must often consider changing themselves the q ualities that they exhibit and also the kinds of leadership that they follow. Australia is one such country where the leadership practices must change as per the demands of the situations. The culture of Australia is large, varied and unique. There are leaders who consider themselves as natural leaders. In other words, they follow the trait theory if leadership. A good example can be that of Jo Burston who calls herself a natural leader. There is no doubt that she has really done great and commendable works for the benefit of people. She had a business called the Rare Birds, through which she wishes to open a platform for the women entrepreneurs. However, it can so happen that there are certain changes that the followers want to see her. So, in such cases, she must try to understand the needs of her employees and incorporate the changes accordingly. The skill leadership theory makes the leader provide their employees with all sorts of support. Even in the technical field the leaders make sure that the employees are getting all the necessary trainings that would help them for attaining the overall goals and objectives. However, the Australians usually have a tendency to adhere to people with whom they feel a good connection with. Hence, it is the duty of the leader to make himself approachable to the followers and to make sure that he is trying to develop a friendly and a personal touch. The 2 strongest Australian leaders like John Howard and Bob Hawke. Howard initially wasnt that much friendly to people but he had to make efforts and ultimately he was successful. Australians got attracted towards the ordinary and the friendly nature of those leaders. The Australian economy is now becoming very sluggish and really needs a change in the kinds of leadership. The leaders must be free and frank with the employees so that they get to know the exact needs and demands of the employees. They must develop a proper personal touch which necessarily does not mean a monetary reward. The leaders might consider sitting with the employees for a friendly chat or giving them some flexible shifts and other such advan tages (Banks et al., 2016). Skill leadership is of utmost importance in the present Australian business context. The Australian economy is suffering very much and they are in need of some changes. The existing leaders often lack the exact knowledge that is needed to guide the employees throughout. This area is in need of a change and it needs some attention from the leaders (Kark, Van Vashdi, 2018). The business organizations will have to work more efficiently and will have to make sure that they are bringing in more experts who will help in bringing in the required knowledge that is essential. The monopolistic leadership or the one leader system has to end so that there can be a framework of leaders who will be helpful in making decisions as per the needs of the employees. They will have to take decisions as per the demands of the situations. Conclusion Thus, it can be concluded that in order to improve the present situation of the Australian economy, the leaders and the managers must adhere to the basic traits of the skill leadership theory. The leaders have to face many new challenges. 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